You are absolutely right about polarization. The death of dialogue is a great malaise of our time. How is it possible that "woke," which means being of aware of social justice, could become pejorative in its usage? I have defended "cancel culture," even though I recognize the expression is too broadly applied to have any definitive meaning, because it is most frequently a complaint of privileged communicators, bemoaning the opposition of those with a less privileged access to the media.

I am wary of invoking "values" in any discussion of politics. I admire your judicious separation of the two. http://www.thesourgrapevine.com/2021/07/virtues-vices-and-values.html

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Agreed, thanks Jay. I appreciate your thoughts, as always.

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On the same subject, Debra Soh has an excellent opinion piece in the Globe (21 Nov. 2021): "Why don't more people trust the news?" So good, I wish I had written it.

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Thanks for the tip, Jay. I'll check out the article.

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